Friday, March 11, 2011

Social Media’s Role in Real Estate Marketing

Today I met with a client, who, is really pumped about learning social media. She’s really just not sure how to incorporate it into her marketing campaign. We got to discussing Twitter and Facebook specifically, and I showed her some examples of how her colleagues in her industry are embracing it. More often than not as a business owner because you’re connected to every aspect of your business you don’t have time to be objective or creative for matters like this.

So this client eagerly asked “where do we start”? I suggested she read a handful of professional blogs (and twitter posts), to get an idea of what to talk about, dictate it on her Blackberry through an app like Dragon and then email me the file.

After reviewing her campaign, I can tell she is just absolutely overwhelmed. Who wouldn’t be?

So, I take 10 steps back and suggest she talks about some obvious topics her clients would want made known to lead into selling their home.

Its Springtime, topics are just blooming out of my brain for her…

If you find that you need a virtual “extra set of hands” for your business, let me know. You can write to me at:

Tell me, what would you like to hear about from yours truly? Feel free to comment below. Thanks!


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